Simply Being Here
Simply Being Here
When work becomes heavy and the mind is racing to find answers, giving yourself a few moments to simply be present is a powerful way to re-ground yourself in the reality of what is. It can allow us to see more clearly what is important, in this moment, and to make better conscious choices.
Taking this time to get in touch
Find a position that is comfortable for you
Right now
Settling in
Our minds are so used to being busy
To doing
Now is a time for not doing
Knowing that this time is yours to just be
Not do
To allow what is to simply be
Without judgment
Without hurry
Without thinking about the past or the future
Letting the thoughts that rush through your head just drift on by
just being here
Giving yourself the gift of simply being here
Still and at peace with yourself
This feeling of simply being here in an easeful way
It’s OK to just be for this time
Without pressure to do
Sensing how the space around you feels
Simply observing
Guiding your attention to the
Feeling the groundedness
The stability of knowing your presence here
Simply is
Doing what the body does all on it’s own
The miracle of it
Without agenda
Bringing focus to the subtle pleasure of awareness
The comfort
The ease
The distance from the worry and stories
Simply come back to knowing
This is your time
To be present
To simply sit quietly
To gift yourself this
Right here
Right now
Using the body breathing as an anchor
To presence
Taking one more breath
Cleansing the mind
Preparing for whatever comes next.